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Awe & Wonder is my beautiful baby & mama business, created with so much passion for supporting maternal well-being and the transitions through life. My classes & workshops are adored and I am a Luxlife 2023 Best Baby Business in Bury St Edmunds Winner! AND Runner Up in the Best Childrens Business in Suffolk/Cambs, in the Muddy Stiletto Awards!

I left my Eary Years Lead role in school when my first child was born, eight years ago and created this business. I am a Calmfamily Consultant (Baby & Toddler Calm), and qualified for IAIM massage and adapted strokes with SEND and preterm babies.

I can support you before baby is born with postnatal care, Gentle Sleep, Colic & Reflux, Tummy Time, Starting Solids, Toddler Led Toileting, Toddler Eating, Toddler Behaviour & Development.

Kimberley Goldsmith

Early Years ​Specialist

Mummy of three

Award winning baby ​classes

Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

Pregnancy Relaxation for Positive Birthing Circles (All trimesters)

Baby Massage for Happy Tummies & Sleep (Birth to 4 Months)

In the home Sensory Beginnings Massage & Bath Babies 121s

Bath Babies 💦 Baby Massage & Sensory Play (4 weeks to 7 months)

Gentle Sleep Workshop

Starting Solids Workshop

Tummy Time Developmental Play Workshop

Luxury Soft Play & Sensory Party Hire

Sensory & Soft Play Weekend Play Date (from active crawling)

Toddler- Led Toileting Workshop

Changing Bodies, Puberty & Periods. Mum's & Daughters Circle 8-11 years (approx)

Connection, calm, lovE

My classes are planned to ensure your baby's nervous system is well cared for. You are the light of your baby's world and it's about you bonding with baby through love and connection.

We understand that babies brains ​develop when their needs are met, they ​are feeling calm and safe, with ​nurturing touch and sensory integration.

We want mummies feel valued, understood and loved.

My safe and contained circles allow you to explore your emotions, feelings as you ride the wave of Motherhood.


Awe & Wonder strives for excellence - you'll only find calming and developmentally appropriate classes to enjoy!

Soothing Water Play & Baby Massage

A unique experience for both Mummy & baby. Water and touch are your babies first ​sensorial experiences - this course is the perfect combination for your baby's ​sensory and developmental needs. Bath Babies offers so much value to your baby's ​unfolding and learning of their body and senses. But is also very much a class for ​you to unfold, relax and lean into the support our other Mothers in your class.

I completed my training in 2022 and was able to train with my own daughter at 6 ​weeks old. I am so proud to be one of the first faciliators in the UK and recently been ​awarded


Runner Up for Best Childrens Business in Suffolk/Cambs.

2024 BEST BABY MASSAGE & SENSORY PLAY (Bath Babies) by LuxLife

I am also trained in baby massage as well as adapted baby massage for our babies ​with neurodivergences, physical disabilities or medical needs. Please do contact me to ​feel reassured that my classes are a safe space for you and your baby.

Bath Babies 💦 usually has a waiting list so please do book your term or contact me ​to avoid disappointment. If you are part of an antenatal group, weekend classes in ​your home, can be booked which can involve partners too.

Wednesdays @

Thurston New Green Centre

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In Your Home 121s

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We had such a wonderful 1:1 experience with Kimberly; calm, child-led and informative. My daughter is a pre-term baby and after having spent 2 months in hospital has negative and traumatic experiences of touch. My husband and I were worried about how she'd respond to an inital baby class and didnt want to overwhelm her. Kimberly's bespoke workshop offered us support and reassurance and showed us practical ways to help our daughter. Now we're able to bath and touch her legs without the look of pure fear and without screaming. We throughly enjoyed the experience and our daughter continues to make progress. From the bottom of my heart thank you ♥️ Kate

I have continued my professional dvelopment with Award Winning Occupational Therapist Carly Budd with adapted Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Tummy Time strokes. I am able to support you in classes or an 'In Your Home' package for babies with sensitive beginnings.

Colic & Reflux

Torticollis and Plagiocephaly

Congenital Talipes (Clubfoot) and the Ponsetti Method

Hip Dysplasia (DDH) and Pavlik Harnesses/Hip Spica

Cleft Lip and Palette

The premature baby and the highly sensitive baby

Cerebral Palsy

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)

Spina Bifida


Cystic Fibrosis

Sickle Cell Disease

Cardiac and circulatory conditions

Medical Devices inc Tracheotomy, CVADs, Stomas, PEGs

Please contact me at 07815122342 via Whatsapp or awe-wonder@hotmail.com

Baby Massage for relaxation,

happy Tummies & gentle sleep

Weekend Classes

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‘’I attended a Mother’s Day baby massage workshop when my daughter was 10 weeks old with my husband. Kimberley was warm and welcoming straight away. We learnt so much and I can honestly say this helped our baby loads with colic episodes in the evening, it’s amazing! It’s such a special bonding experience I would recommend this to all new parents. We enjoyed it so much I signed up to a term of bath babies and it’s the most enjoyable class I have attended. Every week it gives you a chance to open up and talk about anything you may be feeling in a safe space. We have signed up to the next term as we love it so much! I have also attended a sensory class which was super fun!’’


These beautiful weekend specials allow both parents to learn baby massage strokes to support relaxation, unhappy tummies, colic and sleep from birth to four months. With keepsake footprint crafts and support around tummy time holds and positions you will take home lots of nuggets of support and reassurance as well as confidence in a new skill. This is the perfect first class, held at a weekend so your partner can come and experience the magic of nurturing positive touch together.

To book please go to www.bookwhen.com/aweandwonderbabyclasses

Specialist Workshops for ​Gentle Transitions

When you start to look into it all it can seem daunting and overwhelming. Different websites recommending different things. Complicated schedules. Jars that say 4 months, health visitor that says 6. Baby led weaning, purees, snacks, drinks, ....... arrrrgggghhhhh!! What to do?! What's right? There are more questions than answers.

When should you start? Does it matter which meal? How can you tell they are ready? What if they sleep through a meal time? What food should you start with? Does it matter if it is sweet or savoury? What foods should be avoided? What about spices? What happens to the milk? How do you get the balance right? What equipment do you need? Can you avoid a fussy eater? How do you avoid some of the issues around food that you may have? What about allergies? What the heck is baby led weaning? Can you combine approaches? What about choking?

This workshop will answer all your questions, leaving you feeling confident, relaxed, and even excited about your baby's next step. I am going to keep it simple, with a focus on your individual baby, and their physical development.

Available as a recorded workshop by myself which includes everything you need for a chilled and enjoyable weaning journey.

Sometimes it runs as a live workshop on a weekend, take a look at www.bookwhen.com/aweandwonderbabyclasses

"I have just done this "starting solids" workshop with Kimberley Goldsmith on ​Zoom along with my NCT friends, and I would highly recommend it to other ​parents. It is so helpful, so informative and a brilliant workshop where there ​is plenty of time to discuss, share thoughts and ask questions, as well as ​being provided with so much useful information. It really has made me feel ​more prepared and have a lot more understanding about weaning. We have ​previously done some other weaning courses, and this was soooooo much ​better!! If you are a bit unsure - it is well worth doing this one! ​⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐" Kate

Soft Play & ​Sensory Play ​Party Hire!

My Soft Play & sensory Play hire has now been running successfully for over a year and I've had the pleasure of helping so many Babies and toddlers enjoy their celebrations whether it's a first or second birthday party or a naming ceremony.

My third child, Addilyn, inspired this branch of my business - I didn't want a generic soft play party for her and noone else offered anything more at a great value price, so I just decided it was easier to start my vision myself!

My set up is the pastel rainbow soft play set alongside Montessori wooden climbing and balancing equipment, dark den, music tent, sensory toys, Hoppers, ride ons, stapelstein pebbles, dry messy play and so much more!

I have an incredible inventory of play! It's not just about the soft play but the extra attention to detail with my sensory play. I offer so much more than other local businesses, offering you excellent party value. All of my equipment is outstanding and brand named - only the best, I truly am SO proud of the fun created!

Please do contact me at

awe-wonder@hotmail.com or 07815122342 to check your date and location as I do get very booked up in advance. I need at least an hour either side of your party to set up and tidy up and

Choose a Sunday afternoon at Thurston Cavendish Hall and get even more equipment and your hall hire included in the price!! As I only live round the corner I can bring even more to the party and I will run my loved Toddler Soft Play & Sensory Play Date in the morning.

Weekend Soft Play

& Sensory Fun!

But if there isn't a party to be planned you don't need to miss out! Every month I hold my Sunday Play Days. With new soft play to the mix means from active crawling ro 2.5 years can come along and enjoy the hall full of fun including a playdough table by Little Munchkins and craft table. These are held at Cavendish Hall, Thurston and are open to both parents to attend with refreshements! Spaces fill quickly as these are so popular to allow our walkers somewhere calmer, safer and cleaner to explore and play.

Booking available at www.bookwhen.com/aweandwonderbabyclasses

I hope to meet ​you soon

Kimberley founded Awe & Wonder in 2016 as her

little boy Oliver turned a year old and she left teaching to

create a home -life balance and to support Mum's on their own transition into Motherhood. Kimberley was an Early Years Leader and teacher for 8 years and has no regrets taking the risk to nurture her business.

Bonding through play and nurturing touch has always been her passion. She continues to strive to create the most beautiful classes and circles for parents and babies and is continuing their journey to become a 1-1 coach for well-being and breathwork.

She now has now two

girls. Emalyn born in lockdown as a home birth on her birthday and Addilyn who is now 2 years old. And she home educates her children alongside a wonderful community.